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Development Automation

Productivity Quantum Leap

Our promise: Expect at least 50% reduction in line-of-business application development effort using LeBLANC. That's six months off from one year project, or 5 mils from a 10 mil project.

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In a nutshell,

What is LeBLANC?

LeBLANC is a toolset for automating line-of-business system development, having roots on Model Driven Development principles. Use our Designer to model your system requirements: Domain data content, business processes, and other details that define the system to be built.

We transform your model into a fully functional, cloud native application using our Fusion Generator, and deploy it to Azure. Use the live application to test and iterate your design. Download the Visual Studio project, enhance the app as you see fit, and deploy to your own Azure subscription.

Think, model, deploy

Focus on the essentials

Automate the rest

Our method lets you focus on the essentials. The reasons why the application exists. Things that have real business value, things that bring in the money. Things that require and deserve human attention.

The rest we automate. These include the non-functional requirements (the ones that don’t bring in any money, but have to be implemented anyway), things that aren’t used often, or used by only few. And lots of other modern business app standard features. Get ~80% of the application done without writing a single line of code.


Impact for you project

With LeBLANC, your projects are in time, on budget and rich with features. Built to match government high quality standards: Modern, cloud native, secure, scalable & battle proven architecture, implemented by industry best practices.

The method aims for the result: Working application starting from day one. Evaluate, test and refine your ideas with live application. When ready, deploy to your own production Azure subscription.

Think, model, deploy

Everything that can be automated, should be automated

We're moving towards software factories

Our Customers


Finnish State Treasury

EU Member States must present a national Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) in order to receive funding from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The Plan forms part of the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland. Valtiokonttori chose LeBLANC to implement the system used to plan, gather and report on funding usage. Read What State treasury says about the project (in Finnish)!

European Union Government Finance

Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)

EDUFI develops education and training, early childhood education and lifelong learning in Finland. EDUFI is responsible for data collections related to central government education funding. LeBLANC implemented a financial data collection system in a joint EDUFI & State Treasury proof-of-concept project - in time and below budget. Project finished with record breaking 92% of the application automatically produced.

Government Finance Education
University of Eastern Finland

University of Eastern Finland (UEF)

UEF cultivates new talent in software development and contributes to the advancements of the field. LeBLANC is proud to support future professionals of the model-driven development! Read the full story here.

Wicoar Technologies Oy

Wicoar Technologies Oy

WICOAR Technologies is a pioneering Finnish startup driven by the desire to easily integrate patient data into daily patient care safely and quickly. The new technology reduces the time spent on patient work while increasing the face-to-face contact with the patient by reducing the work involving collecting patient data on a terminal in the office.

Ready for Productivity Quantum Leap?

Get LeBLANC Now!

Step-by-step: How to get LeBLANC on Azure Marketplace